Climate sceptics?

Climate change is an often heard argument for the once called nuclear "renaissance". However, if one looks closer, there was something fishy about the industry using climate change protection as its most prominent feature... » Read more

More then thirty years of debate, and the controversy remains as polarised as ever. This website (to be fair - whose maintainer is anti-nuclear) collects news about nuclear power in Europe, sorted by nuclear power plant, type of power plant, country etc.

By presenting different (media) angles on current nuclear issues, we hope to be able to cut out some spin, either pro or against, and to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind about today's pro's and con's of nuclear power.

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Latest nuclear news

Brussels to propose EU rules for nuclear waste disposal

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Brussels - The European Commission intends to propose EU- wide rules on the disposal of nuclear waste by the end of 2010, an official said Thursday.

'Nuclear waste management is an important area which needs to be addressed by both industry and national governments (...) the role of the EU is to set a common framework for the establishment of national waste management programs,' said Marlene Holzner, spokeswoman for energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger, during a briefing in Brussels.

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Nuclear waste dump in Poland?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Collective nuclear waste dumps, called European Regional Repositories, are to crop up in Eastern Europe, also in Poland, in the near future.

This is a joint EU initiative, currently developed in the European Repository Development Organization, of which Poland is a member. Negotiations on the construction of the collective geological repositories and the transport routes for nuclear waste are to begin in May. The talks are expected to last two years.

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Eastern Europe to host EU nuclear waste storage facility

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

High-level nuclear waste from across the European Union could be shipped to eastern Europe for burial in a central underground storage facility under plans being considered by EU member states.

The Times has learnt that the project, which comes amid a resurgence of interest in nuclear power, could be given the green light later this year by the European Commission. Ewoud Verhoef, deputy director of Covra, the agency responsible for the storage of the Netherlands´ nuclear waste, said: "The nuclear programme in Holland is small and the cost of building a geological repository is very high. We only have one nuclear reactor in the Netherlands so there would be big advantages to a shared solution."

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Nuclear Does Not Make Economic Sense Say Studies

Monday, February 15, 2010

BERLIN, Feb 12, 2010 (IPS) - The enormous technical and financial risks involved in the construction and operation of new nuclear power plants make them prohibitive for private investors, rebutting the thesis of a renaissance in nuclear energy, say several independent European studies.

The risks include high construction costs, likely long delays in building, extended periods of depreciation of equipment inherent to the construction and operation of new power plants and the lack of guarantees for prices of electricity.

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Sweden wants explanation on Baltic nuclear 'dumping'

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Russian military allegedly dumped nuclear waste into the Baltic Sea in the early 1990s, according to a report on Swedish television.
Radioactive material from a military base in Latvia is thought to have been thrown into Swedish waters. For many the biggest shock is that the Swedish government may have known at the time and done nothing about it.

The partly enclosed Baltic Sea is known as one of the most polluted seas in the world. But now it seems it was also used as a dumping ground for Russian nuclear waste and chemical weapons.

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Interest in reactor cools as construction costs soar

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Member states want a change in timetable but other investors oppose any delay to project.

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Nuclear power plant to reduce energy production cost by 20% in Belarus

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

MINSK, 22 January (BelTA) – The construction of the nuclear power plant in Belarus will bring down energy production prime cost by 20%, Deputy Energy Minister of Belarus Mikhail Mikhadyuk said during the online conference on the BelTA website on 22 January.

“The study conducted by the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus revealed that after the nuclear power plant is commissioned the prime cost of electric energy production will be reduced by about 20%, the calculations however did not take into consideration the increase in gas prices. The purchase of natural gas will decrease by 4-5 billion cubic meters,” the Deputy Energy Minister said.

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European nuclear energy academy to open in Germany

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The European Nuclear Energy Leadership Academy (ENELA) is going to open in Germany to attract university graduates to the nuclear energy sector and train future leaders in the field.

The founding treaty of ENELA was signed here on Thursday by six European nuclear energy companies, which are shareholders of the academy.

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Politika: Slovenia will build second unit in Krsko NPP on Sava river

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ljubljana. The state-managed energy company GEN Energy in Slovenia, which owns half of Krsko NPP, has filed an application with the Economy Ministry in Ljubljana for a permit to build a second unit in the nuclear power plant, Serbian Politika daily writes.
The other part of the power plant in Krsko is owned by Croatia. The country will not participate in the construction of the second unit, which will be situated on the Sava river, some 30 km away from Zagreb.

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Think Tank to Bid Again for Dutch Nuke Project

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute said yesterday that it will probably bid again for a nuclear research reactor project pursued by the Netherlands in the second half of this year.

Institute director Yang Myeong-seung said, “We are actively considering re-entering the bid for PALLAS, a project on the construction of a nuclear research reactor in the Netherlands.”

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