Czech Republic

Estimates of costs of new Temelín vary greatly

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two reactors for CZK 80 billion or for 353 billion?

Temelín - Czech energy giant ČEZ wants to expand the Temelín nuclear power plant with building two new reactors by 2013 but has not published the costs of the project yet.

"The costs of the Temelín expansion may be published only after the contract is signed," explains ČEZ´s web site. Ministry of Environment has already received a study on the impact the two new reactors will have on the environment. The ministry was asked by ČEZ to evaluate this question. "Expanding the Temelín power plant will meet the growing demand for energy in the Czech Republic and will create a sufficient reserve," claims ČEZ. Now, a public discussion on the issue is expected to emerge.

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CEZ asks for impact study for new nuclear units

Friday, July 11, 2008

PRAGUE, July 11 (Reuters) - Czech power firm CEZ asked the Environment Ministry for an environmental impact study of the potential construction of two extra units at its Temelin nuclear power plant, the company said on Friday.

The central European country's government has pledged not to approve construction of new nuclear power stations before its term ends in 2010, but has said CEZ could go ahead with the assessment.

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Nuclear incidents jangle EU nerves

Friday, June 6, 2008

Two safety scares at nuclear power stations in EU states Slovenia and the Czech republic in the past 48 hours were swiftly resolved, but will do little for Brussels' campaign to restore public confidence in the sector.

A water leak from the primary coolant unit in Slovenia's Krsko nuclear plant on Wednesday (4 June) afternoon forced the 25-year old facility to shut down its single reactor for emergency repairs.

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Czech power plant reactor nearly shuts down owing to staff error

Monday, June 2, 2008

Prague - The Dukovany nuclear power plant, owned by Czech power giant CEZ, nearly shut down one of its four units Tuesday owing to an employee's mistake, the company said.

Unit's two turbines were automatically switched off from the grid after a technician mistakenly turned off one of its six cooling circuits.

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Eastern European leaders slam nuke closure deals

Monday, May 26, 2008

The prime ministers of Lithuania and Slovakia have criticised deals struck by their governments with the EU before they joined the bloc to shut down aging Soviet-era nuclear power plants. International
pressure to cut carbon emissions and rising oil prices had revealed the move to be a mistake, they said.

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Power plants face insurance hike

Monday, April 28, 2008

Nuclear power plant operators in the Czech Republic are facing a huge and unexpected increase in insurance costs, following a government decision to raise the amount of liability for damage compensation from 6 billion Kč ($384.9 million) to 8 billion Kč.

In March, the government issued a statement instructing the Industry and Trade Ministry to work with the Environment Ministry to implement the increase by preparing a ratification of the protocol to the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage.

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Czech president voices support for nuclear energy

Friday, April 4, 2008

PRAGUE (Thomson Financial) - Czech President Vaclav Klaus reiterated support for the further use of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic after a meeting with the industry minister Wednesday, news agency CTK reported.

'If we want to have electric energy, we cannot get along without nuclear energy,' Klaus was quoted as saying.

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Report: Czech artists acquitted over faked nuclear blast on TV

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

PRAGUE, Czech Republic: Czech artists who hacked into a national television weather broadcast last year to show what appeared to be a nuclear explosion were acquitted on Tuesday of the criminal charge of spreading false information, a TV station reported.

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CEZ completing nuclear feasibility study, environmental impact to be assessed

Thursday, March 6, 2008

PRAGUE (Thomson Financial) - CEZ is completing a feasibility study on the development of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic and it is possible that an environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the expansion of the group's Temelin nuclear power plant could start this year, a company spokeswoman said.

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Czech ruling party pushes for nuclear power -paper

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Czech Republic's ruling Civic Democrats (ODS) will seek a revision of their government pact with two other parties so that new nuclear power plants can be built, the Hospodarske Noviny newspaper reported on Thursday. The paper quoted the head of the lower house's economy committee, Oldrich Vojir, as saying that his party would propose building new nuclear blocs after a group of experts presents a report later this year on energy policy options.

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