Climate sceptics?

Climate change is an often heard argument for the once called nuclear "renaissance". However, if one looks closer, there was something fishy about the industry using climate change protection as its most prominent feature... » Read more

More then thirty years of debate, and the controversy remains as polarised as ever. This website (to be fair - whose maintainer is anti-nuclear) collects news about nuclear power in Europe, sorted by nuclear power plant, type of power plant, country etc.

By presenting different (media) angles on current nuclear issues, we hope to be able to cut out some spin, either pro or against, and to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind about today's pro's and con's of nuclear power.

In the menu on the right you can select your country, the nuclear power plant in your neighbourhood, or your favourite company and read latest (most English) news about it.

Latest nuclear news

Suddenly, A Rush for Nuclear Applications

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The utility Teollisuuden Voima (TVO) plans to submit its application to build a sixth nuclear reactor this spring. The rapid timing came as a surprise to the rival Fennovoima consortium, which is not planning to hand in its application until next year. The state says it wants any groups interested in building a new nuclear unit to apply for a permit within the next few months.

Minister of Economic Affairs Mauri Pekkarinen says he wants all applications on his desk at the same time, and soon. He adds that he does not intend to wait for many months after receiving the first application -- which could be as soon as May.

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Russia plans nuclear project for Kaliningrad

Monday, April 21, 2008

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti commentator Tatyana Sinitsyna) - Russian plans to build a nuclear power plant in the Kaliningrad Region have provoked protests from Europeans concerned about environmental and radiological safety.

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Report: Russia decommissions a reactor producing weapons-grade plutonium

Monday, April 21, 2008

MOSCOW: Russia closed down a plutonium producing reactor Sunday, marking a major milestone in U.S. nuclear nonproliferation efforts, a Russian news agency reported.

The U.S. and Russia have been working for years on arrangements to close Russia's three remaining weapons-grade plutonium producing reactors.

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Russia eyes Kaliningrad site for 1 gigawatt nuclear power station

Friday, April 18, 2008

MOSCOW (Thomson Financial) - Rosatom nuclear energy agency head Sergei Kiriyenko said Russia wants build a nuclear power plant in the Kaliningrad territory in order to provide electricity to domestic and international markets, Interfax reported.

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Aon warns of supply risk for UK nuclear

Friday, April 18, 2008

London, 10 April: Insurer Aon Corporation has warned that the UK's plan for a nuclear power renaissance must take into account risks of interruptions to the supply of uranium fuel.

The UK government is easing planning restrictions, in a bid to encourage private companies to build a new generation of nuclear power plants to help replace the existing, aging fleet of reactors. At a speech on 26 March, UK Business Secretary John Hutton called this new push for nuclear "the most significant opportunity for our energy economy since the exploitation of North Sea oil and gas".

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Spain nuclear watchdog sees more safety after leak

Thursday, April 17, 2008

BARCELONA (Reuters) - Safety controls could be stepped up at Spain's nuclear power stations following a leak at a plant that will require the screening of hundreds of people, a leading nuclear security official said on Wednesday.

Spain's Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) criticized operators at the Asco I plant on Monday for failing to tell it about contamination from a leak which happened last November until April this year.

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Spain's nuclear council checks 800 people after finding bigger-than-reported radioactive leak

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

MADRID, Spain (AP) - Spain's Nuclear Safety Council says it is checking some 800 people for contamination after learning that a radioactive leak at a nuclear plant was larger than first reported.

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Spain gets new environment minister

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spanish prime minister Jose Lues Rodriguez Zapatero has sacked Spanish environment minister Cristina Narbona as part of a reshuffle following confirmation of his own re-election as Spanish prime minister last Friday.

Mrs Narbona has been replaced by agriculture minister Elena Espinosa, who heads a new ministry combining environment and rural and marine resources. The development has been condemned as a "grave mistake" by environmentalists.

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British Energy denies Torness outage was unplanned

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

British Energy planned to take its Torness reactor in Scotland offline over the weekend and was not forced to do so, chief executive Bill Coley told an investor day presentation at Heysham, Lancashire Tuesday.

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EU to examine ways to ease investments in nuclear energy

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

BRUSSELS (Thomson Financial) - The European Commission said it will examine ways to make investments in nuclear energy easier.

At the European Nuclear Assembly conference here, energy commissioner Andris Piebalgs stressed the importance of nuclear energy for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions.

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