Kyiv, November 26 (Interfax-Ukraine) - Ukraine's Cabinet of Ministers has approved a draft agreement with the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan about the joint participation in the International uranium enrichment center in Angarsk, Irkutsk region, Russia.
The Cabinet of Ministers passed a respective resolution on November 19 2008.
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko is empowered to sign the agreement.
The International Uranium Enrichment Center was established in spring 2007 by Russia and Kazakhstan. The center will use the facilities of one of four enrichment plants of Rosatom state corporation - the Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Combine.
The enrichment center is designed for providing non-nuclear states with access to enriched uranium, which could be used as fuel for NPPs, without giving them access to the technologies for its enrichment, which could be used to produce nuclear weapons.