Climate sceptics?

Climate change is an often heard argument for the once called nuclear "renaissance". However, if one looks closer, there was something fishy about the industry using climate change protection as its most prominent feature... » Read more

More then thirty years of debate, and the controversy remains as polarised as ever. This website (to be fair - whose maintainer is anti-nuclear) collects news about nuclear power in Europe, sorted by nuclear power plant, type of power plant, country etc.

By presenting different (media) angles on current nuclear issues, we hope to be able to cut out some spin, either pro or against, and to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind about today's pro's and con's of nuclear power.

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Latest nuclear news

ESB says nuclear power not needed in foreseeable future

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The ESB has told an Oireachtas committee that nuclear power is not needed in Ireland for the foreseeable future.
Fluctuating oil prices and climate change have led to calls for a debate on nuclear energy as a way to end Ireland's dependence on fossil fuels.
However, ESB chief executive Padraig McManus told the Oireachtas committee on energy and natural resources today that Ireland could comfortably meet its energy demands if clean-coal technology and inter-connection with other countries is implemented successfully.

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Report: No serious safety events found at EDF reactors in 2007

Thursday, December 11, 2008

No serious safety event occurred within Electricite de France's, or EDF's, reactor fleet in 2007, the Institute of Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety, or IRSN, said in a report made public December 9.

The report analyzed the operation of EDF's 58 PWRs last year and said there was "continuation of, if not an increase in, unanticipated events and operational difficulties caused essentially by human factor, organizational aspects and certain weakness in operating discipline."

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Nuclear firm funding for cancer study questioned

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A study to investigate whether living close to a nuclear power plant increases the risk of childhood cancer is being co-financed by electricity companies.
The decision to allow the firms, Axpo and BKW Energy, to fund around a quarter of the SFr820,000 ($672,000) study raises questions about whether they will try to influence the results, due to be published in 2011.

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Opposition hardens to nuclear waste sites

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Persuading local residents that they should nuclear waste in their backyard is not an easy job. But that’s exactly what officials from the Federal Energy Office are doing. They are touring the country, holding information sessions in the regions identified as possible storage sites. One of the candidates is Wellenberg. That particularly upsets voters in canton Nidwalden since they have twice turned down a proposal to build a nuclear waste repository in Wellenberg. Vincent Landon went to a public meeting in Stans and has this report.

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No prosecution over contamination leak

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

ENVIRONMENT Agency bosses have decided not to prosecute the operator of Sizewell A over an incident which saw thousands of gallons of water contaminated when radioactivity escaped into the North Sea.

The incident, in January 2007, involved the fracture of a plastic pipe in a cooling pond building where highly radioactive spent fuel rods are stored under water prior to their despatch to the Sellafield reprocessing works in Cumbria.

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EU favors establishment of IAEA nuclear fuel bank

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

BRUSSELS, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- European Union (EU) foreign ministers on Monday endorsed a plan for the UN nuclear watchdog agency to maintain an international nuclear fuel bank.

"The Council (of Ministers) decides to express its support for the establishment of a nuclear fuel bank placed under the control of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)," said the ministers in a statement.

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EnergySolutions to Continue Magnox Cleanup

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today, the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) in the United Kingdom announced that the competition for the new contract for the cleanup of the Magnox reactor sites will commence in 2011. Award of the contract is expected by the end of 2012. EnergySolutions will continue to lead this important cleanup project during this time period and it will bid on the new contract.
The NDA stated that it would select a single operator for Magnox North Limited, Magnox South Limited and Research Sites Restoration Limited.

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Nuclear Power Plant Loan Paid Off

Monday, December 8, 2008

Krsko, 2 December (STA) - GEN Energija, the owner of Slovenia's half of the Krsko Nuclear Power Plant (NEK), paid off at the end of November the last installment of the loan taken out by Slovenia in 1983 to finance its share in the construction of what remains the country's sole N-plant.

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Hungary's new nuclear waste dump receives first load

Monday, December 8, 2008

The first 16 barrels of low and medium radioactivity waste were deposited at Hungary's new nuclear waste facility "Radioaktív Hulladékokat Kezelő Közhasznú" at Bataapati (SW) on Tuesday.

The country's sole nuclear power plant at Paks (C) produces some 900 barrels of radioactive waste a year, of which a truckload is planned to be forwarded to Bataapati each day, Jozsef Hegyhati, head of the radioactive waste management company (RHK) told MTI.

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Bridging Lithuania’s energy gap

Monday, December 8, 2008

VILNIUS - Lithuania is staring down the barrel of an energy crisis. The fact is the previous government did little to fix the problem, and the country now faces the prospect of being left in the long feared hands of Russian gas company Gazprom for electricity and heating.
Russia has been licking its chops thinking of the profits it will make while political infighting and bureaucracy saw Lithuania’s energy future go nowhere.

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