Climate sceptics?

Climate change is an often heard argument for the once called nuclear "renaissance". However, if one looks closer, there was something fishy about the industry using climate change protection as its most prominent feature... » Read more

More then thirty years of debate, and the controversy remains as polarised as ever. This website (to be fair - whose maintainer is anti-nuclear) collects news about nuclear power in Europe, sorted by nuclear power plant, type of power plant, country etc.

By presenting different (media) angles on current nuclear issues, we hope to be able to cut out some spin, either pro or against, and to allow the reader to make up his or her own mind about today's pro's and con's of nuclear power.

In the menu on the right you can select your country, the nuclear power plant in your neighbourhood, or your favourite company and read latest (most English) news about it.

Latest nuclear news

£1bn funding shortfall jeopardises hopes of producing cheap, non-polluting power

Monday, June 7, 2010

A £15bn international bid to harness the fusion process that powers the Sun is facing a major funding crisis. Scientists have revealed that the cost of the International Thermonuclear Experiment Reactor (Iter) has trebled from its original £5bn price tag in the past three years. At the same time, financial crises have beset all the nations involved in the project.

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German state vote may block nuclear life extensions

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

FRANKFURT, May 10 (Reuters) - Chancellor Angela Merkel's centre-right coalition may have trouble pushing through planned nuclear lifetime extensions after a German regional election on Sunday went awry for the government.

North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany's most populous state, left Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) and their Free Democrat (FDP) allies short of their previous state majority, leaving the make-up of the next government unclear.

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Enel, Inter RAO To Collaborate On Future Nuclear Projects

Monday, May 3, 2010

Enel and Inter RAO have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for cooperation in
future nuclear projects and building new technical innovation, energy efficiency, distribution, both in Russia and Eastern Europe.

The companies plan to develop a new nuclear plant in Kaliningrad, which is said to be the first public-private partnership in the nuclear sector in Russia.

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The great atomic bluff

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Constant hold-ups, skyrocketing costs, faulty construction…Finland’s new Olkiluoto reactor, touted as the great white hope for Europe’s nuclear sector, is looking more and more like a great white elephant – and casting a fat black shadow over the whole industry.

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Nuclear regulators in Europe, US to caution against EPR piping

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Nuclear safety authorities in four countries are assessing the significance of undocumented welding on primary circuit piping for the EPR reactor under construction at Olkiluoto-3, Petteri Tiippana, director of the nuclear reactor regulation department at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority STUK, told Platts in an interview Thursday.

But Tiippana said that contrary to a statement made Wednesday by Marie-Pierre Comets, a commissioner of French nuclear safety authority ASN, regulators from Finland, France, the UK and the US are not preparing a joint statement on the piping qual

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Brussels against exporting nuclear waste outside EU

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Brussels is against member states exporting their nuclear waste to countries outside the EU or to store it in joint sites, energy commissioner Gunther Oettinger said, as the commission is working on a set of common safety standards for this dangerous material.

"It is the duty of national politicians to do their homework," Mr Oettinger told Financial Times Deutschland in an interview published on Wednesday (10 March). The German commissioner warned against common storage sites, as well as exporting the radioactive material outside the EU, for instance Russia.

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EU to propose radioactive waste law by year-end

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The European Commission will table a legislative proposal on the treatment of radioactive waste before the end of the year, commission president José Manuel Barroso told a conference on nuclear energy in Paris on Monday.

Energy commissioner Günther Oettinger hinted at legislation on nuclear waste management at a European Parliament hearing in January. He said setting the "highest possible" safety standards for disposal would be a priority. "Further costs cannot be a consideration," he warned.

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German nuclear talks messy, operators may still gain

Monday, March 8, 2010

FRANKFURT (Reuters) – Germany’s nuclear power industry is no closer to knowing how long its plants may operate than five months ago when Chancellor Angela Merkel’s new government assumed power and promised to extend their lives.

Rifts inside her center-right cabinet over the merit of rivalling renewables energies and a local election potentially threatening her party’s leadership of a key state have delayed steps to free the 17 reactors from closure in the coming decade.

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Cernavoda unit stopped because of malfunction

Monday, March 1, 2010

Cernavoda nuclear plant´s unit two was briefly stopped yesterday morning, because of a leak of primary agent within the reactor´s protective building. "No problems were registered in connection with protection of employees, equipment and environment, as the entire security system functioned in line with regulations," Nuclearelectrica, the company which operates the plant, said in a release.

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RWE interested in Dutch nuclear newbuild if new govt revokes ban

Friday, February 26, 2010

German utility RWE has indicated its interest in building a nuclear power plant in the Netherlands should a new government revoke the ban on such projects, RWE CEO Juergen Grossmann said at the company's annual earnings press conference Thursday in Essen.

"We are interested and we are competent," Grossmann said, when asked about the issue by a Dutch journalist.

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