
Nuclear energy set to dominate G8 summit

Monday, March 13, 2006

Paris, March 13, 2006 - Nuclear power will dominate the first G8 energy summit in Moscow next week.

The rising price of fossil fuels, combined with concerns about the greenhouse effect and the demands of the Kyoto agreement ha s meant industrialised nations are having to reconsider how they source their energy supplies. Most countries regard nuclear energy as the solution to environmental concerns and dwindling fossil fuel supplies.

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Watchdog examines nuclear alert at Torness

Saturday, December 24, 2005

By Michael Harrison, Business Editor
Saturday, 24 December 2005

An inquiry was under way last night at the Torness nuclear power station in Scotland after an incident involving fuel rods in one of its reactors.

Anti-nuclear campaigners said the incident was just the latest in a series of problems at the British Energy-owned site and called for the investigation to be wide ranging.

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Nuclear plant to be completed

Monday, August 22, 2005

THE STATE ironed out the final wrinkles plaguing the sale of Slovak power utility Slovenské elektrárne to Italian buyer Enel in what is the country's last big privatization deal in the energy sector.
Slovakia might soon see its nuclear power plant in Mochovce completed, along with the construction of its first wind power plant if power producer Enel makes good on its investment plan promises.

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Spanish government to sell abandoned nuclear plant sites

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Spanish government plans to open tenders for purchase of land at three sites for nuclear power plants that never operated, a spokesman at the Ministry of Industry, Trade & Tourism said May 9. The plants fell victim to the country's 1984 nuclear construction moratorium.

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Italy 'to export nuclear waste to UK'

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Italy is hoping to export 99% of its nuclear waste to the UK after public demonstrations made it impossible to find a suitable site on Italian soil.

The Italian government has 235 tonnes of spent fuel from the country's long decommissioned reactors in deteriorating stores.

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US plutonium reaches French plant

Friday, October 8, 2004

A controversial shipment of US weapons-grade plutonium has reached a processing plant in southern France.

Several dozen anti-nuclear protesters met the convoy on arrival at the plant in Cadarache. They said the plutonium was vulnerable to terrorist attack.

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Power station may cause leukemia

Monday, April 30, 2001

Children living across the river from Oldbury Power Station may be far more likely to die of leukemia.

A leading expert claims new evidence gathered around the power station in South Gloucestershire could undermine the whole nuclear industry.

The study says that children living across the River Severn in Chepstow are 11 times more likely to die of leukemia than the national average.

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How safe if SAFE?

Saturday, August 27, 1994

A plan to upgrade two nuclear reactors in Solvakia may force Western governments to stop dithering over nuclear safety in Eastern Europe.

Ever since the reactor at Chernobyl exploded in 1986 spewing radioactivity over more than 20 countries, Europeans have lived in fear of another large-scale nuclear disaster. That fear grew when the Iron Curtain fell, revealing the full extent of the problems with nuclear plants in the former Eastern bloc. It also fuelled a fierce debate: should Soviet-designed reactors be shut down or could they be made 'safe'?

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