Taxpayers to back Sellafield £7bn clean-up

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Taxpayers are being forced to indemnify the winner of the £7.5bn contract to decommission the highly toxic Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria against an accident because the bidders are based overseas. The preferred consortium will be announced on Friday.

Four consortia are vying for the contract, which could be worth £20bn over its lifetime, including US engineering giants Fluor, Bechtel, Washington Group and CH2M Hill, as well as French nuclear power group Areva and the Japanese firm Toshiba. UK companies Serco and Amec are also members of overseas-led consortia.

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Strike threat hotting up at Sellafield

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A SECRET ballot on industrial action is being organised for Sellafield’s 10,000 workers

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Hidden costs of drawn-out pay dispute at Sellafield

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

WEST Cumbria – and Copeland in particular – is likely to become more dependent than ever on the nuclear industry and we say that in full light of all the on-going efforts to diversify our economy.

So with all the signs pointing to another strike at the area’s biggest employer and economic bread earner – Sellafield – it has to be worrying.

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£1.2bn ‘is not enough’

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

KEY decommissioning projects at Sellafield may have to be delayed because of a budget shortfall.

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Energy firm offers deal to start nuclear clean-up

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Energysolutions and its partner Toshiba propose taking ownership of Magnox sites and building new reactors on them

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Funding for clean-up of nuclear sites is unsustainable, say MPs

Monday, April 7, 2008

The way in which the £73bn clean-up of Britain's nuclear sites is funded is unsustainable and in urgent need of reform, the government is warned today.

More taxpayers' money is also likely to be required to finance the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), according to the cross-party business and enterprise committee of MPs.

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Thorp restarts nuclear reprocessing

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Thorp nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield has restarted commercial operations three years after it was closed following a radioactive leak - a development that should ease the funding crisis at the government's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority.

The Thermal Oxide Reprocessing Plant, or Thorp, at the nuclear complex in west Cumbria, is a large source of income for the owner NDA, which is responsible for cleaning up the UK's nuclear reactor sites and dealing with radioactive waste.

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Help sought on 100-tonne plutonium stockpile

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority on Wednesday will appeal to industry for help in dealing with the UK's 100-tonne stockpile of plutonium, and in deciding whether to treat it as waste or reuse it as fuel for nuclear reactors.

One option being considered is for the highly radioactive plutonium to be used to make fuel for a new nuclear reactor at Sellafield, where the plutonium is currently stored. But the question of whether the plutonium should be used or disposed of could reopen the debate on nuclear reprocessing and whether spent fuel from the next generation of nuclear reactors should be reused.

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Buried costs

Thursday, March 27, 2008

In this extract from his new book, Nukenomics: The commercialisation of Britain's nuclear industry, Ian Jackson looks at the radwaste disposal market and how it influences the economics of new nuclear build.

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'Dirty bomb' threat as UK ships plutonium to France

Monday, March 10, 2008

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor - Sunday, 9 March 2008 - From Sellafield, an ordinary, unarmed ferry is to transport weapons-ready plutonium – material that could easily be used to make a 'dirty bomb'

Weapons-ready plutonium that terrorists could easily make into a nuclear bomb is to be carried hundreds of miles down the west coast of Britain in an unarmed ship, The Independent on Sunday can reveal.

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