
Blockage of sea water screen by jellyfish

Ulchin unit 2 was operated at the rated power. On Sep. 14, 1996, a lot of jellyfish had moved to the seaside and blocked the sea water screen. As sea water did not flow sufficiently to the intake area, one of the circulating water pumps was tripped because of NPSII low signal.
Reactor power was reduced to 69% of full power. However, incoming of jellyfish was not stopped and the other circulating water pump was tripped also. Vacuum low signal from main condensers arose and it made turbine trip. Reactor was tripped by turbine trip signal finally.
The plant was returned to normal operation the same day after the jellyfish had been removed.
Justification: As full safety functions were available, the event is rated at level "0" as per User's manual Part III, Table II, A1.

Location: ULCHIN-2
Event date: Sat, 14-09-1996
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation