
Potential Extremity Overexposure at Texas A&M Research Reactor

The licensee reported that an employee at the Texas A&M Nuclear Science Center received 75,800 mRem (758 mSv) to the extremities during the month of January 2006. Furthermore, the licensee reported that the individual also received 37,540 mRem (375.4 mSv) to the extremities during the month of February 2006. The licensee reported that the employee was involved in neutron activation analysis work involving contact lenses and that all ALARA procedures were strictly enforced. The licensee stated that there were no changes in general radiation areas levels or processes which would result in an unanalyzed increase in radiation levels. The licensee's investigation is on-going.

Due to the large uncertainty associated with the information that is currently available regarding this event, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has assigned it a provisional rating of Level 2. The NRC will perform an inspection of this event in the near future.

Location: Texas A&M University
Event date: Fri, 24-02-2006
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation