
Large leak in the residual heat removal system (RHR)

On 12 May 1998 around 8 pm when the reactor no. 1 had been shutdown since 7 May, a water leak estimated at around 30 m3/h was detected in the reactor shutdown coolant circuit. This circuit is used when the reactor is shut down to circulate a minimum amount of water through the primary circuit to cool the fuel present in the reactor core. The system consists of two duplicate circuits. The leak was stopped by isolating one of the circuits at around 5 am on 13 May 1998. The leak resulted in water passing from the primary circuit into the sump of the reactor building. As the water was completely contained in the reactor building, the incident did not have any consequences for the environment. The investigations conducted by the operator on the defective section of the cooling circuit revealed a 180 mm crack on a weld in that section. The reactor is currently shut down. It is being properly cooled by the circuit still intact and there has been no risk to the population. Additional investigations are being conducted at present by the operator to determine the nature and duration of the repairs required and to determine the safety conditions for those undertaking the repair work. The operator's proposals will be scrutinized by the Safety Authority.
Because of the occurrence of this serious leak involving a loss of primary coolant, this incident has been classed at level 2 on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES) which has seven levels.

Location: CIVAUX-1
Event date: Wed, 13-05-1998
Nuclear event report
Legenda & explanation